Mentor Program
A mentor is an adult that provides support, guidance, and opportunities to help a young person, or mentee succeed in life.
Youth Leadership Program
SMYP is piloting a Youth Leadership initiative for 7th to 9th grade students. The purpose of the Youth Leadership Program is to provide young people with the opportunity to explore and practice leadership skills and engage in creating positive change in their own lives and their communities.
Thanks to our supporters
Advocates: Carolyn Hesford, Madison Valley Bank, Gary and Sherry Carlson, Barb Reiter, Bear Grass Suites
Mentor: Deborah Colella, Gary and Debbie Marks (Marks Miller Post and Pole), Sleeping Giant Mechanical
Child Care Registration Fee Reimbursement
Families that have their child(ren) at the Boulder Child Care Facility qualify to ask for reimbursement for annual registration fees.
The Boulder Child Care Facility Project
Through a marvel of intergovernmental and nonprofit coordination, Jefferson County provided ARPA funding to the City of Boulder to purchase an unused school building at Jim Darcy school in Helena. The Boulder Elementary School District agreed to place the building on school property for the purpose of a childcare center. A group of interested citizens and business persons formed a nonprofit 501c3 corporation called Southwest Montana Youth Partners, Inc. to manage the building and to stimulate the development and operation of a childcare center. A three-way contract was signed for the operation and management of the building among: Southwest Montana Youth Partners, the City of Boulder and the Boulder Elementary School District. Southwest Montana Youth Partners awarded a contract to a provider for the operation and management of the Boulder Child Care Facility. They have great local staff running The Boulder Child Care Facility.
Future Initiatives
When the childcare initiative is well underway and amply funded, our strategic plan specifies that we will embark on other initiatives to improve services to the youth of Southwestern Montana. Suggestions are welcome from anyone: